Tâche Inter Humaine is a center of change for Haiti. The organization was founded by Nikki and Herold with the objective to bring hope to the people of Haiti and make a difference in their lives.
Philanthropic spirit is accessible to us all. Giving thanks, appreciation and compliments are free.
At my soul level, I am a humanitarian (so many 9’s in my numerology). I used to think that you had to have so much money to make a difference. Now I know that you can make a difference for someone, no matter your budget.
I encourage you to support or start a project you believe in. I welcome you to read about our projects below!
When you buy a Karma Class, half of the proceeds go to the teacher, the other half goes to Tâche Interhumaine, a school in Haiti (more about this below!)
To book a Karma Class, buy a Karma class pass on our memberships page, then book online through the studio schedule!
You can read about the teachers on our Breathe Team page here, and see the class descriptions on the studio schedule for each class!
When you buy the Breathe Give Back Membership or Karma Class, you are actively giving back to non-profit organizations that we love to support!
The Give Back membership gives you access to all of the online and in-person classes at Breathe.
Profits from the Give Back membership go directly to non-profit organizations that are making a difference in the community!
DONATE WHAT YOU CAN VIA E-TRANSFER: hello.fulltx@gmail.com
Tâche Inter Humaine is a center of change for Haiti. The organization was founded by Nikki and Herold with the objective to bring hope to the people of Haiti and make a difference in their lives.
At Tâche Inter Humaine, we help to improve the lives of Haitians by offering free education primarily, a meal to the children attending school. Tâche Inter Humaine also hosts medical clinics to the community working with volunteer Haitian Dr. Whisky.
In the future the center hopes to host medical clinics, a birth control center and soccer program.
It is a place funded by Nikki, and Breathe Pilates and Yoga Studio but driven by the ideas of the Haitian people. In all matters pertaining to the running of the school and programs decisions will be made by the Board of Directors which consists of 3 Haitians and 2 Canadians.
The mission of the center is to provide free education to those who otherwise would not have an opportunity for school.
At Tâche Inter Humaine, Haitians are given the opportunity to support and help their peers through a kindergarten class (Academie Jude Canniff) That will follow 10 students from beginning to the end of primary education.
Tâche Inter Humaine believes that all human beings have the right to education, free will and hope for the future.
The phrase “Tâche Inter Humaine” means “Humans work together, helping each other” in this case I am not Canadian, you are not Haitian, he is not american, we are all human and all human beings have the right to education, free will and hope for the future.
This is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the world. We believe making a difference in the life of a person is worth all the money in the world.
DONATE WHAT YOU CAN VIA E-TRANSFER: tacheinterhumain@gmail.com
© 2021 Breathe Pilates and Yoga Studio, all rights reserved